Profile Picture National Journal Writing Courses

5-Day Journal Writing Prompts Sampler


Whether you are new to journal writing, or are looking to get back in the habit of using the power of writing reflections, this 5-Day email course will help you make journal writing a daily practice. 

The Benefits of Email Prompts

The benefits of daily writing prompts is that you get one prompt per day, and you can respond to that prompt in your paper or digital journal. If you are using an online journal writing software like Penzu, you can copy and paste each prompt in a new journal entry or simply email your response to the prompt to your journal writing account. 

Daily prompts in your mailbox means that your prompts are accessible from any device (phone, desktop, table, online) in which you receive your mail.

When you subscribe to this course, your first prompt will arrive in your email the next day. You will also receive downloads for other journal writing resources. 

NaJoWriMo Creator

Bakari Chavanu is the creator of the National Journal Writing Month project. He's a full-time blogger, author of .

Other Courses

When you successfully complete this five days of prompts, consider subscribing to 30-Day NaJoWriMo thematic journal writing course. Your subscribe to the prompts will always be available to you, even if you get behind in writing for a few days.

The  NaJoWriMo journal writing courses each include 30 days of journal writing prompts plus tips for getting the most out of journal writing.

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5-Day Journal Writing Prompts Sampler

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